Inverell East Rotary is as happy as Larry
On Tuesday the 21st of June, Inverell East Rotary President Larry Whitbread, handed over the reins to incoming President John Scoble for 2022 – 23. The well attended dinner at the RSM saw members, partners and guests enjoy a convivial evening and a delicious meal, thanks in part to chef Ryan Kent and the friendly, efficient RSM staff.
Guests included Mayor Paul Harmon and Anna, District 9650 Assistant Governor Bruce George, Incoming Inverell Rotary Club President Kate George and Inverell East Foundation Member (Representing Warialda Rotary) Ian McFarlane and Patti. Congratulations were given to Bruce George who was recently selected as District Governor of the new District 9660 for the 2024-25 Rotary Year.
During the evening President Larry and Treasurer Barry Mason reported on the Club’s achievements, financial situation and annual disbursements. Despite the challenges and restrictions of the past year the club carried on with service and support for the Inverell community and Rotary International. Donations were made to the Rotary Foundation, Rotary Health, the VRA, Inner Wheel and local schools. Rotarian Andy Thompson proposed an excellent toast to Rotary International with an enthusiastic response and a message from District Governor David Mayne, from AG Bruce.
A highlight of the evening was the presentation of a prestigious Paul Harris Fellowship. Paul Harris founded Rotary International in 1905 and each year Rotarians and community members are selected to receive an award. This year President Larry, Past President Ros Scoble and A.G. Bruce presented a citation and a medallion to Inverell East stalwart and popular local identity Ross Tutt for his dedication to “Service Above Self”.
After receiving his Badge of Office from Larry, new President John Scoble introduced his Board for 2022-23 and spoke briefly about future plans and directions. Thanks were extended to all those wo helped make this a successful evening. Inverell East Rotary Club will continue to serve the local community and Rotary International with purpose and enthusiasm.
Click on 2022 Program to see reports and photos from the 2021-2022 year.

Outgoing President Larry Whitbread hands the Presidents badge to Incoming President John Scoble
Ross Tutt recieves congratulations from President Larry Whitbread and Past President Ros Scoble. Ross was declared a Paul Harris Fellow at the Changeover
The new Board
Whitbread, Ray, Ryan, Mason, Hudson, Clendinning, Lea & Rawson