October 2020

The first stage of planting around the Cycle Track near Lake Inverell started today under rainy conditions. Council had asked Inverell East Rotary to be the organising body for the planting and the Club’s Community Service Director, John Scoble, has taken the bit between his teeth to make the start. He has been working with Council to plan todays work.

Council workers, Rotarians, Apexians and Danthonia boys joined forces to do the initial plant today. Council had excavated the area to be planted between the footpath and carpark at the lower end of the cycle track and filled it with soil. It was a matter of digging holes, planting and watering. The work was easy digging and with rain showers around all helpers were quick to get on with the job.

Click through for 16 shots of the first stage.

November 11

Stage 2

Mulching the plants at lower end of footpath