Inverell East Rotary members have been working on the May St Park project on the western side of the Macintyre River. The club has been assisted by the Inverell Shire Council, students from Inverell High, the Bruderhof Community, the Clontarf boys and Best Employment. This is a history of that development.


The site is opposite the Woolworths developments and overlooks the town and surrounding area, providing a good view of the town weir and the Macintyre River.

The original clearing took place in 2011. David Pryor, a Rotarian and employee of Inverell Shire Council, was the organiser for the project in the early stages. A lot of the clearing was done thanks to club member, Gary Watson, with his own equipment.

 Click on the first photo and then click arrows


Just before Christmas 2011 the Club planted 200 trees and shrubs in the area. Recently Council has provided native grass seed, which has been spread over the site together with hydromulch. This seed should germinate soon and should provide a reasonable ground cover to complement the existing native grasses, which had suffered due to the invasive species which had taken over much of the land. A further 100 trees will be planted in the area this autumn. This will complete the tree planting program for the site.

An access road and carpark are to be provided to the site in coming months. It is Inverell East Rotaryʼs intention to install picnic tables around the area and to provide a paved access path from the carpark to the assembly area for the lookout site. It is hoped over time to provide a directional indicator showing points of interest in the town and areas beyond and to provide information boards detailing the history of the site and its natural attributes.

Things are moving along with the development of the Rotary park at the end of May Street.

Cleaned of sticks and rocks with invasive trees species removed by the Rotary Team members and whipper-snipped by Best Employment Team lead by John Errington.

The gravel is now being placed for the two covered tables and benches. The tables and chairs have been ordered with their covers and will arrive to erect in late July

December 2013

Brian Clancy from Inverell Shire Council, Northern Tablelands MP Adam Marshall and Inverell East Rotary President Alistair Williams inspect plans with other Club members from left. Doug South, Larry Whitbread, Noel Daley, Col Flood, Geoff South, Reg Wilkins, Jock Gartshore, Bob Witherdin and Tim Newberry.

Things really started to move June 2014

We saw the completion of the fence at the front of the carpark. 13 East Rotary members, under the direction of Ron Randall, arrived at 9am and in just over one hour had lifted, measured, sawed, fitted, braced, drilled, and secured 24 rails to the standing posts. The weather was kind with little wind and a sunny sky. As they say many hands make light work with Ron’s generator, and members bringing drills, cords, braces and enthusiastic energy. Thanks to Myrna and Doug South for providing the morning tea. Thanks to Inverell Shire Council for providing the fence. Thanks to Inverell Aggregate Supplies for the concrete and thanks to David Wargent for his bobcat machine and time. A great job finished which has added to the safety and value of the park.

The fencing was provided by Inverell Shire Council and Rotary members did the work.

The carpark now has a garbage bin and regular service thanks to Inverell Shire Council. A rubbish collection Team of Rotary members for the next six months has been organised.

A dozen boys from Inverell High Construction class helped Rotary members with the boxing for the slabs and then were on hand to help lay the concrete under the direction of retired builder Bob witherdin.

Speed bumps have been placed just above the park entrance to slow down traffic. Speed signs will be erected as well which will make the entrance safer.

Click through 20 photos of fencing, boxing and pouring of slabs.

2014 – July and progress continues. Construction of shelters, tables and benches takes place. Click through the photos.
The area has been cleared, trees planted, a road constructed, garbage bins placed and rocks collected.

Recent work, July 2015, involved removal of rocks to allow mowing to be carried out more successfully and a cleanup of shelters. Paul Ray, Geoff and Doug South moving rocks and cleaning shelters.

During late 2015 and early 2016 Inverell Shire Council continued to help with the park development. We gratefully acknowledge the valuable support and assistance provided by General Manager Paul Henry and Town Planner Anthony Alliston. Council has dumped soil to be spread so that an even, grassed surface can be provided near the shelters. The area will be accessed more safely and will be able to be mowed with hand or ride on mowers once the grass is established.

Council has also erected gates to stop unnecessary vehicle access to the lower areas of the park.

March and April 2016 – Getting ready to grass the area
April 21 2016. Grass supplied by Inverell Shire Council and laid by Jimmy Connors and crew from Jobs Australia. Col and Doug do the watering.
The view in November 2016
July 2017. The grass has been spreading nicely over the Park recently. Council has continued its excellent support erecting extra fencing, planting a garden area at the entrance and also installing an irrigation system.
July 30 2017. A working Bee to paint new fences, brush cutting and a general clean up.Another successful day with work, fellowship and a nice cuppa afterwards.
September 2017 A working Bee carried out by the Bruderhof community helped clear the more difficult areas of the May St Park. Around 20 people were involved. Our thanks go to the school principal Christian Domer from Danthonia for organising their end of the day.
October 2017 Alistair Williams trialling the new mower purchased with a Government Grant and a generous price from Ken Mason of Inverell Power Farm.

Power Farm have also provided storage and a new trailer for transporting the mower. The second shot is of Col Flood on the updated new mower – more stable and quicker – February 2018.

January 2018 Saturday morning East Rotary tree planting Working Bee
July 2018 Council has placed Sandstone Blocks


November 14 2018 – ready for planting on the steep bank at the back of the Park.
November 17 2018 –

On Friday the 16th and Saturday the 17th November local community groups descended on the recently established May St Park under the leadership of the Inverell East Rotary Club and the Inverell Shire Council.

The mission was to dig holes and plant approximately 500 shrubs and trees generously donated by Local Land Services (LLS), represented on the day by Ivan Lackey. The mass planting was the next stage in a joint project undertaken by Inverell East Rotary and the Shire Council.

On Friday afternoon a team of students from the Danthonia Academy worked tirelessly climbing steep slopes like mountain goats, to dig and prepare for the Saturday morning planting. From 6am Saturday the volunteers swarmed over the site – Danthonia students once more, Inverell Community Garden members, Inverell Girl Guides, LLS staff, Rotarians and individual community volunteers. They worked solidly all morning under supervision and guidance of Ian Spalding (ISC) and Alistair Williams (Rotary). A team of Inverell Easts Rotarians led by Paul Ray and Julie Clendinning provided a delicious BBQ breakfast for all the helpers. The Macintyre Hot Bread coffee van kindly provided hot drinks courtesy of the Club President, Tim Newberry.

All in all, it was a most productive and enthusiastic good old “working bee”. Park Co-ordinator, Rotarian Alistair Williams acknowledged the invaluable support of General Manager Paul henry and the Inverell Shire Council without whose input the park would not be possible. A Council volunteer emphasised that Council’s philosophy would always include support for community groups willing to step up and have a go – to help themselves.

This working bee was a fantastic example of this philosophy – Inverell people working together in true Community spirit.

December 5 2018 – Another Working Bee. The Danthonia boys joined with the Clontarf boys to plant some of the remaining shrubs, to pick rocks and to mulch around the shrubs.  

February 4 2019 – Council has dumped mulch to be spread on the south east bank. Bob , a visiting Canadian, has been busy watering the trees planted at the end of 2018. Dave Ryan and Geoff South have also spent lots of time watering.

Leon Fox has tried to keep up with the mowing while Larry Whitbread has been fertilising the grass and Alistair Williams watering. 

April 9 2019 – Council have erected a viewing platform with financial support from Inverell East Rotary and a Rotary District grant.

April 10 and 11 2019 – Clontarf boys do some digging and planting and Rotarian members repaint the rails before a cuppa on the new viewing platform

June 12 2019

May St Park Opening

Comments by Club President Tim Newberry

The Official opening of the May Street Park was carried out on Wednesday, with perfect weather conditions. The Clontarf boys cooked the BBQ which was enjoyed by all who were able to attend. There were representatives from Danthonia, Clontarf, Inverell High School, Land Services, Tree Tenders, Community Services, STA FM & the Inverell Times. The Official Opening was carried out by Mayor Paul Harmon. It is great to see the Park completed and open to the public. There are perhaps, some other additions we could make eg some play equipment and maybe a sundial disk on the viewing platform with directions and distances to neighbouring towns and villages, but we have an excellent community asset that is already being well used. It is good that the Community Services, Justices Department is coming on board to assist with maintenance of the park. We will probably need to monitor this program over time and stand in when necessary to ensure the Park continues to be a pleasant place to visit. I would venture to say that every member of Inverell East Rotary has been involved in the development of the Park. Where would we be without the expertise of Bob Witherdin and Ron Randall in building the picnic tables and shelters as well as the fence. Credit must also go to the members who have taken on the watering of trees, mowing and whipper-snipping. Geoff South, David Ryan, Col Flood, Leon Fox, Paul Alliston, Dick Hudson, John & Ros Scoble and Alistair Williams have regularly carried out these tasks. The rest of us have assisted with various working bees over the years.  Many thanks to Ken Mason who gave us ‘mates rates’ on not only one mower but also a second bigger, one and for providing a trailer and storing the mower. I hope I haven’t missed anyone who has been a regular waterer, mower or whipper-snipper but your efforts are appreciated. Many thanks to Alistair for the organisation of the Official Opening. Alistair does many different things for the club. 

Click through 7 images from the day.

Things have slowed down because of droughts and COVID19.

August 2020 – Back to some mowing and whipper snipping just to tidy up.

January 2021 – Things are looking much better by the end of January. Larry Whitbread now has his Ride On (zero turn) mower licence and can capably back the mower off the tilt trailor. Larry, Paul A, Leon Fox, Dick Hudson, Ross Tutt and Col Flood have spent quite a bit of time during the last 6 weeks getting the grass under control.

October 2021 – Finding the shrubs that have been overgrown in wet season and staking them.

November 2021 – Ideal growing conditions has meant lots of mowing at May St Park.

The club formed two teams. One to work on Wednesdays and the other to work Thursdays of the alternate week. On the rare occasions that work wasn’t needed at May St the gang would weed at the Cycle Track

February 2022 – Photos below are of Thursday gang and progress made.

March 2022 – East Rotary members were at it again – this time moving soil to fill gaps behind the sandstone blocks and also uneven ground caused through tyre tracks of Shire work vehicles.

November 2022 – 5 River Red Gums were planted below the mown area.  The old ones below the track are a wonderful habitat for nesting birds. Hopefully the new ones will be there long into the future as well.  4 Banksias were also planted above the sandstone blocks. Our thanks go to Julie McRae for her ongoing support  with the Park.

These plants were donated by Bunnings from surplus stock. They were cared for over an extended winter period by Paul Alliston and Reg Wilkins prior to planting. 

February 2023 – The Clontarf fellows are back after COVID layoff. The plan is 4 young men will join us each Wednesday to help our gangs keep on top of the mowing and whipper snipping.

March 2024 and the park is looking good – and the river red gums are starting to thrive.

June 2024 – The Park has been prgressing well. Paddy Miller has joined our club and has been busy putting mesh around the 3 surviving river red gums and the banksias. He has also been spraying edges to make things easier. Leon Fox has been keeping on top of the ride on mowing and Brian Stieger is on top of the whipper snipping. The Clontarf boys have taken the opportunity to whipper snip further over the bank with the help of Tim Newberry, Paul Alliston and new member Steve Kent. 

June 2024 – The Clontarf boys dressed in disposable overalls and goggles have just painted the Park fences. Don’t they look good.

January 2025

Some holes developed due to earth movement.  Council provided the soil and members did the work.