Inverell East Rotary Changeover at 2020
On Tuesday 7 July, under strict and carefully organized Covid restrictions, Inverell East Rotary President (2019 – 20) Ros Scoble passed on the baton to Paul Alliston for the 2020 – 21 rotary year.
Fifty Rotarians, partners and guests attended the function at the RSM Club. Thanks to Chef Ryan Kent and the friendly, efficient club staff, the dinner and changeover ceremony was a successful and enjoyable occasion.
Guests included Mayor Paul Harmon and Anna, Past District 9650 Governor Bob Ryan and Margaret, Assistant District Governor Bruce George, newly elected Inverell Rotary Club President Josephine Kelly, Inverell East Probus President David Muir and Isabelle, Tatt’s Hotel Proprietor Scott Williams and, on behalf of her father Chris, Jasmine Richter and friend Aaron Denovan.
Master of Ceremonies Barry Mason ran the evening smoothly and entertained the audience with some excellent humour. Two local identities were recognized by Inverell East as worthy recipients of prestigious Paul Harris Fellowships. Paul Harris founded Rotary International in Chicago in 1905 and now, each year Rotarians and Community members are selected to receive an award. This year Past-President Ros and President Paul presented citations and medallions to Jenny Fox and Chris Richter for their dedicated service to the Inverell community. Jasmin accepted on behalf of her Dad.
After receiving the Badge of Office from Ros Scoble, new President, Paul Alliston, introduced the new Board of Directors and spoke briefly of the Club’s plans for the coming 20/21 rotary year. Inverell East Rotary will continue to serve the local community during challenging times ahead.
To see the program for the night with annual reports and photos of events click program