2018 Changeover
Wayne Fowke hands over to the incoming President Tim Newberry

The Rotary club of Inverell East held its 47th Annual Changeover Dinner at the Inverell RSM Club on Tuesday, June 26. Outgoing President Wayne Fowke was full of praise for the efforts of club members and partners during the 2017/18 Rotary Year. In his review of the past year Wayne referred to many examples of our projects and activities throughout the Inverell Community, District 9650 and internationally. He said that our success as a club was measured not only in terms of the $37000 worth of fundraising but also by the fact that for the past year we have lived the motto “Service Above Self” and done so while enjoying friendship, fun and fellowship.
The Changeover Dinner was very well attended with representatives from other Rotary clubs, The District Governor Nominee, Phil Hafey, Mayor Paul Harmon and Anna, and District 9650 Assistant Governors Kate and Bruce George. Frank Fleming from the Inverell VRA was present to accept a $5000 disbursement from the club to assist with the purchase of a new Rescue Vehicle.
Frank responds after receiving the disbursment on behalf of the VRA

Rotarian Amie Kadano (our International Director) proposed the toast to Rotary International and in doing so made reference to our club’s role in supporting disaster victims, polio sufferers and a multitude of others in the world less fortunate than ourselves. D. G. Nominee Phil, in his response to the toast, praised Inverell East for it’s strong and consistent support of the Rotary Foundation. He also reinforced Amie’s comments about major Rotary International projects such as Polio Plus and Shelterbox. The international ‘flavour” of the evening was enhanced by the magnificent display of club banners from all over the world. Our thanks go to Col Flood for his efforts.

A highlight of the evening was the award of a Paul Harris Fellowship to community member, Allen East and a Paul Harris Sapphire Pin to Rotarian Richard Hudson. Both recipients were taken by surprise. In their brief responses, both alluded to the fact that “good works” can only be carried out in team environments such as our club and the Inverell Community where we are fortunate enough to be surrounded by “good people”
Allen is seen here with Chairperson Paul Alliston and outgoing president Wayne Fowke.
To top off an enjoyable occasion, our club membership increased by two with the induction of Libby Cumming and the transfer of John Scoble from Sunrise Rotary to Inverell East.
Libby receives her membership from Wayne Fowke and DG Nominee Phil Hafey
Our thanks to all members who worked so hard to organize the changeover and to Tim Palmer and his RSM staff for their support and service. Best wishes to President Tim and his Board for another great year of “Service Above Self”.